We Do More Than Selling… We Help to Put the Product in the Hands of Subscribers

At WGI Telecom, we place a greater value on the satisfaction our customer derives… in our products and in our service delivery. Our goal is for our products not to be on the shelves but rather in the hands of your subscribers generating revenue and increasing ARPU.


Putting Creativity to Work

We put our creativity to work by creating visually stunning print and web material and we extend our innovative ideas even beyond to other forms of advertising you have in mind. Our creative team will work closely with you to discuss your idea for every promotional campaign you bring to our table.

Creating Ideas that Work for YOUR Market

We understand the unique nature of market demographics and market dynamics and we know how these can affect consumer thinking. To give you traction within your market, we will work with you to devise strategies in the development of product ideas that will work for your unique demographic. As masters of marketing, we know what works for each market and this knowledge has helped our clients enjoy the power of strategic product positioning.